Las Estupas son de los monumentos más antiguos que existen en el mundo, erigidos sobre todo en países de tradición budista (India, China, Burma, Indonesia, Vietnam, Tíbet, Bután, Nepal…).
Stupas are one of the most ancient monuments in the world erected mostly in countries that hold a Buddhist tradition (India, China, Burma, Indonesia, Vietnam, Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal…).
This tradition goes back the time of the Buddha Shakyamuni who gave very precise instructions on the methods for constructing a stupa and the form it must have. Their form varies but the role remains the same.
A stupa is not only a monument. It is also a support for practice and, as such, it contains representations of the body (statues), speech (mantras and teachings) and the mind (mandalas) of the Buddha. Being in-and-of itself an offering, the stupa also contains numerous precious substances.
The benefits generated by a Stupa
A stupa is a reminder of the serene state of mind to be cultivated in order to bring peace and harmony. In connection with this, one can circumvallate the stupa while making wishes for the benefit of beings.
Its geometry, the process of filling with relics and its consecration with the according rituals provide this monuments special a pacifying and protection power to its surrounding. Therefore they work as energy generators and provide blessings.
For these reasons, it is common that worldwide in the surroundings of the stupas, people will circumvallate, meditate or simply find a place for harmony and peace.
Building a support for practice that will survive the ages and be used by thousands of well-intentioned individuals contributes to “developing all that is beneficial in the world,” regardless of the size of the stupa.